Saturday, September 15, 2007



i'm back. i'll try to keep this thing up, but no promises... anyways, marrakech is lovely if HOT, and i'm doing well if BUSY. oh man.

teaching is going as well as to be expected i think... i've still got a lot to figure out. like for example how to make kids stay in their seats, also how to make them like, learn stuff. these are #1 and #2 on my weekend "stuff to figure out" list.

though they drain my energy, the kids also keep me pretty entertained. ha, so i think my home-town readers will appreciate this- i'm setting up a penpal system with our class and leverett elementary's... so i thought it'd be good to introduce leverett a bit, just like size (2,000), and geography (lots of trees, big hills) etc. so, one of the kids raises his hand and says, "and ms, do they have electricity in this village you come from?" hahaha.

ok, i'll do a better job of updating this soon. hope everyone is doing well!

p.s. happy ramadan.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mo,
As I sit in my school ready to get a student to tutor, I can imagine that you are quite busy with teaching and sometimes it gets overwhelming. It seems that you have a good attitude towards it. Great idea to do pen pal letters. I did that when I student taught at the Indian reservation with students in an elementary school in Brookline.
Well got to go and teach.
Best to you.

Anonymous said...

Mo- sorry I am a douche and never called you back, I spaced big time. How many years you stayin there for? If it is a few I will try and save up some floos to come visit. I miss me some lubia.