Sunday, June 10, 2007


ok, i fail at this game.

i've had some wonderful partners in adventure lately and thus have been distracted from my blog-o. mary mary mary kuhn was here for a week or so and i've had my little brother benja' bean with me for a bit now... can't really re-cap all that we've done, but will say that it has all been lovely.

um, public oven excursions have been more frequent. just this evening we made challah bread. gasp! jewish bread in a muslim oven, breaking barriers all over the place.

let's see, adventure highlights... benny and i went to a music festival in fez. pretty fun. on our first night of exploring we heard some music coming from down an alley near our hotel. special music side show? we peeked our heads down the alley and were found a group of men who had clearly been uh, partying and very adamantly wanted us to do the same. we were quickly whisked into a raging moroccan wedding! not a side show at all: small room with lots and lots of dancing people from alllll the generations. ben got to dance on the men's side with some silly boys and i got to dance on the women's side with a pre-teen who wanted to show me some new moves.

what else? lots of long bus/grand taxi/train rides have been had; complete with live birds, buckets of cow hooves, barfing neighbors, and shoe thieves (r.i.p. my black sauconys, they lived a good life).

ok, i can't write any more now. clearly i'm being a bad hostess. tomorrow or the next day we're off on a sahara bound road trip. sweet. i'll tell you how it goes.

oh, i'm coming home for like a month this summer. i'm pretty much on summer vacation now... can't complain. anyways, state side mid-july to mid-august. around? lets hang out.

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